Wednesday 12 December 2018

IW Council Press Release - Views Sought on IW Council Budget Proposals


Ideas and suggestions to help the Isle of Wight Council save £5.5 million in the next budget are being welcomed.

An online survey is now live, enabling people to comment on the current proposals or suggest alternative ideas to help balance the books.

The budget will be finalised in February.

Councillor Stuart Hutchinson, Cabinet member for resources, said: “We’re very mindful that we have to make some tough decisions.

“That’s why we’ve published our budget proposals four months in advance of the deadline, to give people every opportunity to have a say.
We need to be very prudent with our financial planning but we also want to make sure our budget can still support our community to help us build a brighter future for the Island.”

Preliminary savings have been identified from all council services, with 95 per cent achieved through efficiencies and income generation.

Council leader Councillor Dave Stewart added: “We know we have a difficult challenge to meet and we know not every proposal will please everyone.

“But we must balance the books and I am sure with the help of the community we can achieve our target without damaging vital services.
My experience so far is that when called upon people on the Island will step forward with thoughts and ideas and I encourage everyone to give us their support.”

The short, online survey is available via until 23 January 2019.
Comments are also welcomed via email to

A public meeting on the budget proposals will be held in January 2019, with details to be announced shortly.

More information about the budget proposals can be found here: