Monday 3 December 2018

EXTENDED Consultation on the Island Planning Strategy Development Plan

The Isle of Wight Council has prepared a draft Island Planning Strategy Development Plan Document and accompanying documents for public consultation. The draft Island Planning Strategy includes strategic land use policies, allocations for a range of land uses and development management policies.

The accompanying documents include a draft Habitat Regulations Assessment and a draft Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment. 

The extended consultation will run from Monday 3 December 2018 until midday Monday 25 February 2019, and views are sought on the content of the draft Island Planning Strategy and what such a document ought to contain. Representations received after this date may not be taken into account.

The documents and further information about the consultation can be found at, and a paper copy of the draft Island Planning Strategy will be available to view in County Hall and Seaclose Office receptions and Island libraries during office hours.