Friday 7 December 2018

IW Council Press Release - Island Planning Strategy Green Light for Consultation


The green light has been given to proceed to consultation on the new draft Island Planning Strategy.

This will set out a vision for how the Isle of Wight will develop in the future up to 2035.

Subject to it being formally adopted, it will replace the current planning blueprint for the Isle of Wight – the Core Strategy.

The new planning document will deal with future needs and opportunities in relation to infrastructure, homes, jobs and businesses, community facilities and the environment. It will also set out the principles that will guide future development, including employment land.

Council leader Councillor Dave Stewart said: “Reviewing and updating the current Island Plan was a key pledge in our manifesto and I am really pleased to be able to confirm that we are on target to deliver on that commitment.

“Our focus currently is very much on meeting our housing and employment needs, especially for young people, at the same time as preserving the identity of the Island.”

Future planning applications will need to be mindful of the information in the Island Planning Strategy, if they want their application to succeed.

The strategy has been informed by a number of new independent evidence based studies. These look at issues such as population, housing, employment, retail and flooding. It also addresses future transport projects affecting roads and railways, to ensure growth and infrastructure go hand–in-hand.

The decision to proceed to consultation, if approved, would see residents being invited to have their say on the new draft plan at the beginning of December, for an eight week period.

After the consultation period, the Island Planning Strategy will be reviewed and updated in light of the comments, and submitted to government, where it will be looked at independently by a planning inspector.

If successful, the Island Planning Strategy will be adopted as a major planning document that all future Island development will be guided by.

Cabinet member for planning and housing, Councillor Barry Abraham, made the decision to proceed to consultation, under delegated powers on 23 November.