Tuesday 14 November 2017

Monday 13 November 2017



Following the Parish and Town Council elections on 4 May, there are still two vacancies on Northwood Parish Council.

If you feel you have one/two hours a week to spare and want to make a difference locally, please submit an application in writing to the Clerk, Mrs Barbara Herbert of 11 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8QB or for more details contact her on 01983 290086 or clerk@northwoodparishcouncil.org.

The Parish Council would welcome hearing from any persons who are interested in standing as a parish councillor, providing they fulfil the eligibility criteria* set out below. 

* A local councillor must be 18 years of age or over and a British subject or citizen of the Irish republic.  He/she must also be a local government elector of the Parish or a person who has:

i.                    During the whole of the 12 months before nomination, occupied land or premises as owner or tenant in the parish or,

ii.     During the same period resided in the parish, or within 4.8 km   thereof or,

iii.    During the same period had his/her principal or only place of work in that area.  

Neighbourhood Policing team - November newsletter

Monday 16 October 2017

Hampshire Constabulary "Lights On" Campaign

Hampshire Constabulary "Lights On" Campaign
Alert message sent 25/10/2017 08:32:00
Information sent on behalf of Hampshire Constabulary

 As longer, darker nights approach and the clocks go back, please take note of our suggested top tips for staying safe and deterring burglars from targeting your homes this winter.

1) Don’t make your absence easy for burglars to spot. Put your Lights On to put burglars off.

2) Invest in timer switches; they can be used for lamps, radios & televisions. This makes it look like someone is home.

3) Always check that windows & doors are shut before you go out, and before you go to bed.

4) Have you left anything of value on show inside your house? Move it out of sight from windows.

5) Did you remember to lock your car? Did you leave anything of value on show inside it? Remember to keep your vehicles locked and do not leave any valuables inside.

6) Think about elderly neighbours that may need someone looking out for them.

7) Do trees need to be cut back? If they are overgrown they could be a perfect place for a burglar to hide

Wednesday 4 October 2017


Following the Parish and Town Council elections on 4 May, there are still  two vacancies on Northwood Parish Council. If you feel you have one/two hours a week to spare and want to make a difference locally, please submit an application in writing to the Clerk, Mrs Barbara Herbert of 11 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8QB  or contact her on 01983 290086 for more details. The Parish Council would welcome hearing from any persons who are interested in standing as a parish councillor, providing they fulfil the eligibility criteria* set out below. 
* A local councillor must be 18 years of age or over and a British subject or citizen of the Irish republic.  He/she must also be a local government elector of the Parish or a person who has:
i.         During the whole of the 12 months before nomination, occupied land or premises as owner or tenant in the parish or,
ii.         During the same period resided in the parish, or within 4.8 km thereof or,

iii.        During the same period had his/her principal or only place of work in that area.                

Storeroom 2010 newsletter September 2017

Micro Surfacing leaflet

Tuesday 29 August 2017

The Island conversation - The Wight We Want

The Isle of Wight Council is starting a major regeneration programme to help create more jobs, better housing, and an even better quality of life for all residents of the Isle of Wight. In order to help inform the priorities for regeneration across the Island we would be extremely grateful if you could take part in our Island conversation, “The Wight We Want” by completing a short survey by 13th October 2017.


The summary results of this survey will be published and will help confirm the specific needs of communities in different parts of the Island. This will then be reflected in the development of a ‘Regeneration strategy for the Isle of Wight’, to be published in Spring 2018.

As well as this short survey there will be local workshops and focus groups, held across the Island, over the coming months.  These conversations will help us to understand more about what our residents want to see in place for future generations of the Island over the next 10 years and beyond.

A “residents panel” is also being set up to both continue this conversation and to engage our community in future research and consultation. If you would like to be involved please provide your contact details at the end of the questionnaire.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Northwood to become a "hedgehog friendly" village

Dear Northwood residents,

Northwood is home to reclusive creatures that eat our unwanted pesky slugs, like to swim in our ponds and have been snuffling and shuffling through our hedgerows for many millions of years. Unfortunately, the number of hedgehogs has fallen sharply for the third year running in the UK. Indeed, quite alarmingly in the national situation numbers are reported down to less than 1m down from over 30m in the 1950s.

Northwood Parish Council Action
At our July meeting councillors voted to join and support the work of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and we are aiming to become the first "hedgehog friendly" village on the Isle of Wight, and one of the first in the UK.
Councillors would welcome public support with this campaign. It is an ongoing commitment and the Parish Council are looking to organise events within the Parish to live up to our aim for Northwood to attain "hedgehog friendly" status. What residents can do to help in the meantime isn't such a prickly issue.

6 Quick Tips to Help a Hedgehog
1.   Hedgehog highways: 15cm x 15cm gaps in hedges and walls to aid hedgehogs, which roam 1-2km each night.
2.    A wild corner in your garden: leave a corner of your garden uncut and add a log pile to it for good measure.
3.    Pond exits: hedgehogs indulge in pond dips but need a slope on the edge to be able to exit or risk drowning.
4.    Kick your slug pellets: are toxic and along with chemical lawn treatments which kill worms and other insects aren't necessary in a well managed garden.
5.    Keep down garden litter: polystyrene cups, plastic litter and elastic bands are all common offenders of injuring hedgehogs when left under hedges in gardens and drives. 
6.   Food and water: provide meaty cat or dog food, hedgehog food and chopped unsalted peanuts with water only, particularly in dry weather

For more information please visit the British Hedgehog Preservation Society website or contact me, Cllr William Bossman on 294944 or email wdbossman@gmail.com

The Parish Council meeting on 5 September will hopefully host our guest hedgehog aficionado so do please come along with your questions, stories and find out more on how you can help us get involved in making Northwood "hedgehog friendly". 

This is our Parish taking the lead on an issue close to the hearts of many. Please contact us with details of any action you take. Your councillors would love to know.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Rotten Rubbish Recycling Rascals

Isle of Wight Council
Press Release
Release No: PR 15918
03 July 2017
 Are you one of our rotten recycling rascals, putting the wrong thing in wrong bin or gull sack?

The Isle of Wight Council is asking for your help in improving the quality of recycling on the kerbside and is launching a social media campaign to support you in making sure the right things are put in the right bin/ gull sack. This will support the resident’s information booklet that went out earlier this year, which has advice and information about your recycling collection.

Raising recycling quality by cutting contamination levels in recycling receptacles collected at the kerbside can generate valuable benefits, not just for local authorities but for us all, as ratepayers too.

Incorrect (i.e. non-recyclable or non-targeted) materials included in boxes, sacks or bins set out by householders for recycling results in:
• an increase in collection, sorting and reprocessing costs;
• a reduction in the quality and quantity of materials destined for recycling; and
• lower revenues for local authorities to use on essential services, as a result of paying increased landfill charges to dispose of contaminated recycling.

Recent examples of non-recyclable items to be found in green bins/ gull sacks on the Island include oil cans, paint tins, black bags of rubbish, veg peelings, cushions, duvets, uneaten pizzas and even dead chicks.

Please remember to separate:

• Plastic / Glass / Metals (clean) go into the big green bin, green gull sack or mixed recycling communal bin.

• Paper, magazines and card go into the insert box, blue gull sack or paper/card communal bin.

• Textiles and shoes go into a bag alongside (not in) your recycling bin/bags. Please make sure the items are not in a black bag, as it could be confused for black bag waste.

• Food waste goes in the food caddy.

• Excess recycling will be taken as long as it is separated as above and in clear or white bags / tidy bundles of card alongside your recycling bin/bags. Any excess paper/card must be kept separate from other items. Large amounts of cardboard can be bundled together.

The Isle of Wight Cabinet member for procurement, waste management, special projects and forward planning, Councillor Michael Murwill, said: “Contamination describes items not belonging in the recycling bin/ gull sack. When incorrect items are included in the recycling it can cause a number of problems, including causing a halt in operations at recycling processing plants.

“Unwashed or oily food packaging can contaminate an entire load of recycling, resulting in needing to divert the load to costly landfill. These problems can result in higher processing costs for the Island and an increase in solid waste tonnage.”

Amey manager for the Isle of Wight, Paul Southall, said: “A new bin hanger, which tells homeowners their bin is contaminated is being introduced as part of the contamination campaign and contains images of the most commonly placed wrong items in bins or gull proof sacks, such as food, polystyrene, wood, contaminated food packaging and garden waste, with directions on where they should go.

“Any recycling bin or green gull proof sack found to have items that cannot be collected as part of the recycling service will not be emptied by collection crews."

Recycling correctly is really important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill sites as oxygen is unable to break down the waste, even if it is food, when it is buried.

The home recycling collection system can handle only items that can be reliably sold to buyers for use in new products, so as a result, items that can’t easily be processed on existing machinery or things that are contaminated with food or other substances should stay out of your home recycling bin.

The social media campaign will give information how to recycle correctly, what happens to your recycling and why it is so important to make sure you put the ‘right thing in the bin’ and avoid having your recycling bin or green gull proof sack not emptied due to contamination on your collection day.

So keep your eye out for our daily top tips, facts and info on what goes where, why and what happens to your recycling afterwards, over the coming months, beginning in July.

The Isle of Wight Council’s Facebook page is found at
www.facebook.com/isleofwightcouncil and the Twitter feed is www.twitter.com/iwight

Further information about recycling and waste service can be found at

Monday 3 July 2017

Isle of Wight Day - 23 September 2017


to be held on 

Saturday, 23rd September 2017

After the success of the first Isle of Wight Day last year, 2017 is set to be bigger and better.

The plans are to make it as wide ranging as possible with events and activities catering for everyone to enjoy and take part in.

The aim is to make this our own ‘Red Nose Day’, raising money for Island charities. So please join in and help us make Isle of Wight Day 2017 a day of celebration to remember.

We would love to hear from you!

Whether it be a community activity in your town or village, or a pub or restaurant promoting a special menu, please let us know about it.

Visit isleofwightday.com/events and fill out the online form.

There is no fee and we will publicise your event on for free AND provide you with
yards of IW Day bunting, so you have nothing to lose!

If you need any further help or information, please email mandy@isleofwightday.com

We look forward to receiving your news.

Isle of Wight Day


Floating Bridge Service Timetable - July 2017

Thursday 1 June 2017

Parish Council Vacancies

Following the Parish and Town Council elections on 4 May, there are  two vacancies on Northwood Parish Council. If you feel you have one/two/three hours a week to spare and want to make a difference locally, please submit an application in writing to the Clerk, Mrs Barbara Herbert of 11 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8QB  or contact her on 01983 290086 for more details. The Parish Council would welcome hearing from any persons who are interested in standing as a parish councillor, providing they fulfil the eligibility criteria* set out below. 
* A local councillor must be 18 years of age or over and a British subject or citizen of the Irish republic.  He/she must also be a local government elector of the Parish or a person who has:
i.         During the whole of the 12 months before nomination occupied land or premises as owner or tenant in the parish or,
ii.         During the same period resided in the Parish, or within 4.8km thereof or,

iii.        During the same period had his/her principal or only place of work in that area.                

Age UK IW - Home Share Project

Date: 31/05/2017
Contact details: HomeShare Project (01983) 525282 / homeshare@ageukiw.org.uk 
For immediate release 

A new scheme, which opens the door to housing in exchange for help, has been launched by Age UK Isle of Wight.

Funded by the BIG Lottery, HomeShare offers a creative solution to crucial challenges facing Islanders of all ages - finding and keeping a home.
New to the Island, but widely tried and tested elsewhere, HomeShare is a matchmaking service, designed to bring together householders who have spare space and sharers trying to navigate costly and under-pressure housing options.
HomeShare’s aims are twofold - prolonging independent living in loved homes and known communities for householders aged 50+ and opening the door to good quality and affordable housing options for sharers.
With thorough checking and careful matching, HomeShare Co-ordinators broker  a mutually beneficial living arrangement centred on an exchange of accommodation for practical help with everyday tasks. Sharers also contribute to living costs. 
 Age UK Isle of Wight’s two HomeShare Co-ordinators, Lorraine Lord and Diane Coppell are working with health and social care colleagues and other Age UK projects, to recruit and thoroughly screen householders and sharers . Their role is to guide householders and sharers to arrive at a compatible, lasting and enjoyable blueprint for living together. This takes account of practicalities, personalities, lifestyle and routines.
 “The potential of HomeShare here on the Island is obvious and enormous”, said Diane. “Home sharing could enable householders aged 50+  to improve their quality of life by gaining help with everyday  tasks  to free up leisure time. Equally, it could be that chores around the home are becoming difficult, and that help from an extra pair of hands would prolong independent living. It is important to note, though, that the home sharer cannot provide personal care.
“At the same time, the home offered to a sharer in return for help, can relieve some of the pressure on scarce housing by providing a fresh housing option for people needing suitable homes.”
“Established schemes, elsewhere in the UK and overseas, have shown that every home share is unique”, said Lorraine. “Sharing can, for instance, suit key workers in health, emergency service and the public sector roles; students on study placements; workers relocating to the Island and wanting time to explore before putting down roots; active retired people who enjoy sharing a home; or people starting over after a life change such as divorce.                                      More….

 “It’s a win-win arrangement for householder and home sharer. Besides the obvious practical benefits, HomeShare has potential for friendships across the ages, peace of mind, affordable accommodation within reasonable reach of work, and better quality of life for both householder and sharer.
“Because of the careful preparation which goes in to identifying and establishing a match, HomeShare doesn’t offer an overnight solution. Obviously, it won’t suit everyone, but making contact with HomeShare may make it possible to identify other more appropriate sources of help and advice.”
To find out more about HomeShare Isle of Wight visit www.homeshareiow.org  email HomeShare@ageukiw.org.uk, or contact the HomeShare Co-ordinators at Age UK Isle of Wight on 525282.

To find out more about HomeShare Isle of Wight visit www.homeshareiow.org,  email HomeShare@ageukiw.org.uk, or contact the HomeShare Co-ordinators at Age UK Isle of Wight on (01983) 525282.
Notes for Editors:
·         Age UK Isle of Wight is an independent, local, registered charity, founded in 1973.
·         Age UKIW Registered Charity Number: 1118711.
·         Age UKIW supports over 11,000 Islanders every year to improve their quality of life.
·         We are a local partner of Age UK, the UK’s leading independent charitable movement concerned with the well-being of all older people.
·         For more information on all of Age UK Isle of Wight’s services please visit: www.ageukiw.org.uk
·         Age UK Isle of Wight can be found on Facebook (www.facebook.com/AgeUKIW) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/AgeUKIW)

Thursday 18 May 2017

Care Home Friends - Befriending and Connecting

Would you like to make a difference in the lives of local care home residents?


Research shows that care home residents are twice as likely to feel severely lonely as older people living at home. There are about 75 care homes on the Island and over 100 churches. Our vision is to see every care home adopted by a local church, with each church co-ordinating a Care Home Friends project, so that we can raise up an army of trained volunteers to befriend and support care home residents.

All it needs is one person in each church with a heart for older people who can recruit and co-ordinate two or three volunteers. Together we can make an enormous difference in the lives of some of the oldest and frailest members of our community.

Want to find out more?

To hear more about Care Home Friends and how you could be involved come to a
Cream Tea with home made scones & clotted cream

Tuesday 27th June, 2 to 4pm
Peacehaven, Thorton Manor Drive, Ryde, PO33 1PQ

To book a place please email tina@embracingage.org.uk or phone 07735 332584

Care Home Friends is an award winning initiative that helps local churches to befriend and support

Mobile Recycling Dates for the Summer


 The mobile household waste recycling centre (MHWRC) is on the road again this summer. New dates and a new venue have been added to the latest timetable; for the first time, Niton will also be visited.

The first visit to Niton will be on 10 May, with the MHWRC located in the Norris Stores car park.

The MHWRC will be at each venue between 10am and 2pm, and will accept a set list of recyclable items. A full list of what the MHWRC can accept is found on
www.iwight.com/waste under the Recycling Centres section. It will not accept garden waste or general mixed/black bag waste or wood.

Paul Southall, account director for Amey, said: “The mobile household waste recycling centre has been well received by residents, and we are pleased to be able to add a new venue in Niton. We are sure it will be welcomed by residents in the village.”

Should any other areas want to welcome the MHWRC, they should get in contact by emailing
waste.contract@iow.gov.uk so the council, in partnership with Amey, can review any potential new area.

Venues are:


2    Yarmouth, Main Road car park, 10am – 2pm
3    Cowes, Isle of Wight Community Club, 10am – 2pm
4    Lake, Winchester House car park 10am, – 2pm
9    Ryde, Westridge Leisure Centre, 10am – 2pm
10  Niton, *(NEW)* Norris Stores car park, 10am – 2pm
11  Chale, Whale Chine car park, 10am – 2pm
16  Yarmouth, Main Road car park, 10am – 2pm
17  Ventnor, Ventnor Rugby Club, 10am – 2pm
18  Cowes, Isle of Wight Community Club, 10am – 2pm
23  Lake, Winchester House car park, 10am – 2pm
24  Ryde, Smallbrook Stadium, 10am – 2pm
25  Chale ,Whale Chine car park, 10am – 2pm


6    Yarmouth, Main Road car park, 10am – 2pm
7    Cowes, Isle of Wight Community Club, 10am – 2pm
8    Lake, Winchester House car park, 10am – 2pm
13  Ryde, Westridge Leisure Centre ,10am – 2pm
14  Niton, Norris Stores car park, 10am – 2pm
15  Chale, Whale Chine car park, 10am – 2pm
20  Yarmouth, Main Road car park, 10am – 2pm
21  Ventnor, Ventnor Rugby Club, 10am – 2pm
22  Cowes, Isle of Wight Community Club, 10am – 2pm
27  Lake, Winchester House car park, 10am – 2pm
28  Ryde, Smallbrook Stadium, 10am – 2pm
29  Newport, Newport Quay, (located past Jubilee Stores) 10am – 2pm


4    Yarmouth, Main Road car park, 10am – 2pm
5    Cowes, Isle of Wight Community Club, 10am – 2pm
6    Lake, Winchester House car park, 10am – 2pm
11  Ryde, Westridge Leisure Centre, 10am – 2pm
12  Niton, Norris Stores car park, 10am – 2pm
13  Chale, Whale Chine car park, 10am – 2pm
18  Yarmouth, Main Road car park, 10am – 2pm
19  Ventnor, Ventnor Rugby Club, 10am – 2pm
20  Cowes, Isle of Wight Community Club, 10am – 2pm
25  Lake, Winchester House car park, 10am – 2pm
26  Ryde, Smallbrook Stadium, 10am – 2pm
27  Newport, Newport Quay, (located past Jubilee Stores), 10am – 2pm 

Monday 17 April 2017

Parish Councillor Vacancies

Following the Parish and Town Council elections on 4 May, there are  two vacancies on Northwood Parish Council. If you feel you have two/three hours a week to spare and want to make a difference locally, please submit an application in writing to the Clerk, Mrs Barbara Herbert of 11 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8QB, by Wednesday, 31 May 2017 or contact her on 01983 290086 for more details. The Parish Council would welcome hearing from any persons who are interested in standing as a parish councillor, providing they fulfil the eligibility criteria* set out below. 
If three or more applications are received then prospective candidates will be asked to make a short presentation on how they can contribute to the Parish Council and the community of Northwood.  This would be immediately prior to the meeting scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 6 June 2017.
* A local councillor must be 18 years of age or over and a British subject or citizen of the Irish republic.  He/she must also be a local government elector of the Parish or a person who has:
i.         During the whole of the 12 months before nomination occupied land or premises as owner or tenant in the parish or,
ii.         During the same period resided in the Parish, or within 4.8km thereof or,

iii.        During the same period had his/her principal or only place of work in that area.                

Friday 14 April 2017

Notice of Uncontested Election

Election of Councillors for
Northwood Parish Council
Thursday 4 May 2017

I, Chris Mathews, being the Returning Officer at the above election, report that the persons whose names appear below were duly elected Councillors for Northwood Parish Council.

Name of Candidate Home Address Description (if any)

Paul Andrew
74 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 8QA

David William
4 The Ridge, Northwood, Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO31 8QN

John Ulysses Anthony
Sunnyside, Pallance Lane, Northwood, IW, PO31 8LT

John Douglas
86 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8PY

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Notices of Election

Local Elections May 2017

Isle of Wight Council and Parish and Town Council Elections - 4 May 2017

The Local Elections that will be held on Thursday 4th May 2017 will see Islanders going to the polls to elect their local representatives for both the Isle of Wight Council and Parish and Town Councils.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Forthcoming Parish Council Elections

Parish and Town Council elections are held every four years and the next round is due to be held on 4 May 2017, when all eight seats on Northwood Parish Council will become vacant.

Villagers interested in becoming involved in the parish council's business are urged to put themselves forward. Nomination forms will be available from 27 March and the deadline for their return to the Electoral Services manager at the IW Council, The Broadway, Sandown, Isle of Wight, PO36 9EA is before 4pm on 4 April.

Full guidance can be found on the Electoral Commission's website at www.electoralcommission.org.uk

Monday 2 January 2017