Wednesday 26 July 2017

Northwood to become a "hedgehog friendly" village

Dear Northwood residents,

Northwood is home to reclusive creatures that eat our unwanted pesky slugs, like to swim in our ponds and have been snuffling and shuffling through our hedgerows for many millions of years. Unfortunately, the number of hedgehogs has fallen sharply for the third year running in the UK. Indeed, quite alarmingly in the national situation numbers are reported down to less than 1m down from over 30m in the 1950s.

Northwood Parish Council Action
At our July meeting councillors voted to join and support the work of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and we are aiming to become the first "hedgehog friendly" village on the Isle of Wight, and one of the first in the UK.
Councillors would welcome public support with this campaign. It is an ongoing commitment and the Parish Council are looking to organise events within the Parish to live up to our aim for Northwood to attain "hedgehog friendly" status. What residents can do to help in the meantime isn't such a prickly issue.

6 Quick Tips to Help a Hedgehog
1.   Hedgehog highways: 15cm x 15cm gaps in hedges and walls to aid hedgehogs, which roam 1-2km each night.
2.    A wild corner in your garden: leave a corner of your garden uncut and add a log pile to it for good measure.
3.    Pond exits: hedgehogs indulge in pond dips but need a slope on the edge to be able to exit or risk drowning.
4.    Kick your slug pellets: are toxic and along with chemical lawn treatments which kill worms and other insects aren't necessary in a well managed garden.
5.    Keep down garden litter: polystyrene cups, plastic litter and elastic bands are all common offenders of injuring hedgehogs when left under hedges in gardens and drives. 
6.   Food and water: provide meaty cat or dog food, hedgehog food and chopped unsalted peanuts with water only, particularly in dry weather

For more information please visit the British Hedgehog Preservation Society website or contact me, Cllr William Bossman on 294944 or email

The Parish Council meeting on 5 September will hopefully host our guest hedgehog aficionado so do please come along with your questions, stories and find out more on how you can help us get involved in making Northwood "hedgehog friendly". 

This is our Parish taking the lead on an issue close to the hearts of many. Please contact us with details of any action you take. Your councillors would love to know.