Thursday 1 June 2017

Age UK IW - Home Share Project

Date: 31/05/2017
Contact details: HomeShare Project (01983) 525282 / 
For immediate release 

A new scheme, which opens the door to housing in exchange for help, has been launched by Age UK Isle of Wight.

Funded by the BIG Lottery, HomeShare offers a creative solution to crucial challenges facing Islanders of all ages - finding and keeping a home.
New to the Island, but widely tried and tested elsewhere, HomeShare is a matchmaking service, designed to bring together householders who have spare space and sharers trying to navigate costly and under-pressure housing options.
HomeShare’s aims are twofold - prolonging independent living in loved homes and known communities for householders aged 50+ and opening the door to good quality and affordable housing options for sharers.
With thorough checking and careful matching, HomeShare Co-ordinators broker  a mutually beneficial living arrangement centred on an exchange of accommodation for practical help with everyday tasks. Sharers also contribute to living costs. 
 Age UK Isle of Wight’s two HomeShare Co-ordinators, Lorraine Lord and Diane Coppell are working with health and social care colleagues and other Age UK projects, to recruit and thoroughly screen householders and sharers . Their role is to guide householders and sharers to arrive at a compatible, lasting and enjoyable blueprint for living together. This takes account of practicalities, personalities, lifestyle and routines.
 “The potential of HomeShare here on the Island is obvious and enormous”, said Diane. “Home sharing could enable householders aged 50+  to improve their quality of life by gaining help with everyday  tasks  to free up leisure time. Equally, it could be that chores around the home are becoming difficult, and that help from an extra pair of hands would prolong independent living. It is important to note, though, that the home sharer cannot provide personal care.
“At the same time, the home offered to a sharer in return for help, can relieve some of the pressure on scarce housing by providing a fresh housing option for people needing suitable homes.”
“Established schemes, elsewhere in the UK and overseas, have shown that every home share is unique”, said Lorraine. “Sharing can, for instance, suit key workers in health, emergency service and the public sector roles; students on study placements; workers relocating to the Island and wanting time to explore before putting down roots; active retired people who enjoy sharing a home; or people starting over after a life change such as divorce.                                      More….

 “It’s a win-win arrangement for householder and home sharer. Besides the obvious practical benefits, HomeShare has potential for friendships across the ages, peace of mind, affordable accommodation within reasonable reach of work, and better quality of life for both householder and sharer.
“Because of the careful preparation which goes in to identifying and establishing a match, HomeShare doesn’t offer an overnight solution. Obviously, it won’t suit everyone, but making contact with HomeShare may make it possible to identify other more appropriate sources of help and advice.”
To find out more about HomeShare Isle of Wight visit  email, or contact the HomeShare Co-ordinators at Age UK Isle of Wight on 525282.

To find out more about HomeShare Isle of Wight visit,  email, or contact the HomeShare Co-ordinators at Age UK Isle of Wight on (01983) 525282.
Notes for Editors:
·         Age UK Isle of Wight is an independent, local, registered charity, founded in 1973.
·         Age UKIW Registered Charity Number: 1118711.
·         Age UKIW supports over 11,000 Islanders every year to improve their quality of life.
·         We are a local partner of Age UK, the UK’s leading independent charitable movement concerned with the well-being of all older people.
·         For more information on all of Age UK Isle of Wight’s services please visit:
·         Age UK Isle of Wight can be found on Facebook ( and Twitter (