Wednesday 6 November 2019

IW Council Press Release - Budget Consultation launch

Have your say on council spending

Islanders are being invited to give their views on how the Isle of Wight Council should spend its money next year.
The council has launched its budget consultation today (Tuesday 5 November) — and residents, businesses, the voluntary sector and town and parish councils are being encouraged to have their say on spending and service priorities for 2020/21.
Councillor Stuart Hutchinson, deputy leader and Cabinet member for resources, said: “The input of Islanders is valuable to the shaping of our spending and service priorities for the year ahead.
“We welcome views from all contributors as we develop an innovative and workable budget — and one which will allow us to continue to provide sustainable services in the future, within a stable financial environment.”
Council leader Councillor Dave Stewart added: “My experience so far is that when called upon people on the Island will step forward with thoughts and ideas and I encourage everyone to give us their support.
“We have already been undertaking a thorough analysis of all our spending as part of the budget process – but it is vital we develop and enhance this with the input of all sectors on the Island.
“We are determined to deliver a robust, workable and forward-looking budget.”
You can give your views online over the next six weeks by visiting: