Friday 7 June 2019

Island Roads Press Release - Road resurfacing improvements intensify across the Island

Road resurfacing improvements intensify across the Island

Road resurfacing schemes are set to intensify in the coming months as the improvement work rolls out across the Island.
With the onset of warmer, drier weather, schemes that could not be undertaken in the winter months are now being scheduled in all parts of the Island with a greater emphasis on residential roads, now that many of the major routes have been upgraded.
Over 30 schemes are scheduled to take place between now and the end of June include those in Newport, Ryde, Calbourne, Lake, Sandown, Brading, Havenstreet, Apse Heath, Ventnor, Binstead, Merstone, Freshwater and Shanklin.
The majority of schemes are being undertaken during daytime hours, typically between 06.30hrs and 18.00hrs but with some specific schemes, particularly those with more challenging access/traffic requirements such as Trafalgar Road, which is a heavily used bus route, being undertaken during night-time hours to minimise any disruption to local traffic.
Residents affected by those schemes will receive advanced notification of the works by letter but are asked to check the yellow information boards on site as work can be rescheduled as a result of external influences such as the weather. 
Pedestrian footways will remain open at all times throughout our works. On schemes where there is no footway, properties will be accessible, but there may be minor delays for public safety reasons when heavy vehicles are manoeuvring, or hot materials are cooling.
Residents who require urgent vehicular access whilst road closures are in place, are asked to contact the Island Roads contact centre on 01983 822440 in advance of their scheme start date so that any such necessary arrangements can be planned accordingly.
Keith Gourlay, Island Roads’ Construction Manager said: “Our programme of resurfacing work starts each year in March and continues until around November time, depending on the weather.  At this time of the year, work tends to intensify as we try to complete as many schemes as possible either side of the main summer holiday period. 
“For residents this does mean that there are some periods of more significant disruption, but we recognise, as an Island reliant on the tourism trade, that we need to ensure visitors can get around the Island easily in the summer months.
“We hope however, that the improvements made to the Island’s roads will far outweigh any temporary disruption people may experience and thank residents in advance for their patience.”