Thursday 9 May 2019

IW Council Press Release - School Governor Recruitment


A recruitment campaign has been launched to help fill 114 school governor vacancies across the Isle of Wight.

The Isle of Wight Council is encouraging Island businesses and their employees to support local schools by becoming governors.

An event is being held on Thursday, May 16 at the Wight Innovation Centre, St Cross Business Park, Newport, when people can find out how they can play a part in the future success of Island children.

Diane Hiscock, governor services officer, said: “You don’t need to be a parent or a teacher to become a governor — governors come from all walks of life.

“Governors don’t need to have any link to the school, in fact, it’s often good if they don’t have any prior relationship with the school. This helps to bring a wider, external, business perspective on the running of the school.”

School governing boards provide the challenge and accountability required for school improvement and to develop good educational provision for all children and young people.

Governors, typically, spend an average of around six  hours a month on governing duties and connecting with their community.

Tonya Jayston is vice-chair of governors at Binstead Primary School and finds the role very rewarding.

She said: “I became a governor when staying at home with our children and found it a great way to keep my brain active.

“It also fulfils a vital role dedicated to help support the children's futures. 

“When our children were old enough for me to go back to work part-time, the training and experience of being a governor was a great addition to my CV.” 

Retired teacher, Ursula Hutchinson, is chair of governors at Barton Primary School in Newport.

She said: “Lay people, with no adult experience of education, are extremely valuable members of the school community.

“They can bring their own skills and life experience to help support and develop the leadership and management of the school, which in turn contributes to the life quality of our children.”

Chris Douglass, chair of governors at Nine Acres Primary School, Newport, added: “One of the highlights is meeting the kids.

“They are all bursting with pride to show and share their work and are brimming with enthusiasm and confidence for their own futures.”

People can hear more from serving governors at the information event on Thursday, May 16.

Sessions take one hour and start at either 4pm or 5pm, refreshments will be provided.

•             For more information on becoming a governor, contact your local school, call governor services on 01983 817280 or