Monday 1 April 2019

Cowes Town Council Press Release - Free Parking Spaces for Patients travelling to the Mainland for Appointments

Northwood House offers 4 free parking spaces for mainland hospital patients Good news for patients travelling to the mainland for hospital appointments.

Northwood House Charitable Trust Co. Ltd. has agreed to donate four parking bays on a three month trial basis for use by people attending appointments at Southampton General Hospital or associated NHS Trusts, subject to proof of appointment. Any parking bay in the car park off Park Road, Cowes can be used, subject to displaying the appropriate parking permit.

Roseleen Cullen, Chair of Northwood House Charitable Trust Co. Ltd. commented "The Trustees of Northwood House are pleased to be able to offer free spaces in the car park for patients travelling to the mainland for treatment. We are happy to be working with Cowes Town Council on this free parking trial for Isle of Wight residents."

Councillor Paul Fuller, Mayor of Cowes Town Council commented “This is a shining example of partnership working between the Town Council and the Trust. The Town Council are enthusiastically supporting this initiative and hopeful that take up will be positively received. Our grateful thanks to Northwood House Trustees.”

 The scheme will be administered by Cowes Town Council and will run from 1 May 2019 until 31 July 2019. NHS Parking Scheme permits must be pre-booked by calling the Town Council’s office on 01983 209022 or visiting during office hours: 9.30am – 12Noon, Monday to Friday.

Permits will only be issued upon receipt of proof of appointment and must collected prior to the date of use from the Town Council’s Office, Northwood House, Ward Avenue, Cowes, PO31 8AZ.

Press release ends.