Tuesday 30 April 2019

IW Council Press Release - Council shortlisted in National Recycling Awards


The council’s household recycling and waste service has been selected as a finalist in the Local Authority Success - Overall Service Change category in the 2019 MRW National Recycling Awards.

The MRW National Recycling Awards 2019 brings together over 600 recycling and waste management professionals to recognise and celebrate best practice and innovation in recycling and waste management.

MRW editor Corin Williams said: “The NRAs recognise the innovation, hard work and commitment of the UK resources and waste industry. Year after year, our sector provides an essential service to every household and business and develops new technologies to capture the value in secondary materials and prevent waste in the first place.”

The award entry focuses on the work of the council’s waste and recycling team, its partner Amey and Island residents in successfully achieving a 6.8 per cent increase in recycling rates as of 31 March 2018, from 46.5 per cent to 53.4 per cent. As a result, the council has already met and beat the government’s national 2020 target of 50 per cent in 2018 and now aims to achieve a household waste recycling rate of 60 per cent by 2025.

The Council’s principal manager for waste and recycling, Natasha Dix, said: “To be shortlisted for a National Recycling Award for the Islands journey to maximised kerbside access to recycling is an honour and testament to the hard work and determination of our officers, our partner Amey and most of all, the willingness of our residents to join with us to achieving this.

“Our journey from weekly black bag collections through to a maximised kerbside recycling service now means that Island residents have one of the widest ranges of recyclables collected at the kerbside in the country, including being one of the few counties in the UK to collect up to 15 different types of plastics.

“Isle of Wight Council aims to be a national leader in recycling and waste resource management and I would like to thank residents for taking on board the reduce, reuse and recycle message to help us, as an Island, in aiming to achieve this. Together as an Island, we have achieved a great amount by working together as a community to keep waste out of the environment, reuse materials where possible and in the recycling system will help us grow a better environment. This success is a significant step on the way to achieving our next target of 55 per cent recycling and 90 diversion of waste from landfill by 2020.”

The winners will be announced on 27 June, at London Hilton, Park Lane, with judging is carried out by 18 independent experts drawn from all corners of the sector.

The full list of finalists can be found at https://nra.mrw.co.uk/shortlist-2019  

IW Council Press Release - Guide to the European Parliamentary Elections on 23 May 2019


European Parliamentary elections are currently scheduled to take place in the UK on Thursday 23 May.

The European Parliament represents people living in the 28 member countries of the European Union (EU). It has powers in a range of areas that affect member countries and can approve, change or reject new European laws.

In the UK there are currently 12 European electoral regions and each region is represented by between three and ten MEPs. At the moment, there are a total of 73 UK MEPs at the European Parliament.

To be able to vote for MEPs to represent the UK at the European Parliament, you must be registered to vote by midnight on Tuesday 7 May.
Poll cards for the European Parliamentary election will be popping through your letterbox from this week so make sure you look out for them. If you receive a poll card, then you are registered to vote at this election and do not need to re-register.

Do I need to register to vote? 

If you do not receive a poll card, have never registered before or have recently moved house, you will need to apply online atwww.gov.uk/register-to-vote before the voter registration deadline of midnight on Tuesday 7 May.

If you need to check that you are on the Register of Electors then please call Isle of Wight Council on (01983) 823380 or emailelectoral.services@iow.gov.uk  .You will need to quote your full name and address.

What if I am unable to register online? 
You can pick up a Voter Registration Form from:
Newport Help Centre, County Hall, Newport, PO30 1UD.

You must make sure you return the form before the registration deadline of 7 May to:
The Electoral Registration Officer, County Hall, High Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD

You can request a form be sent to you by contacting electoral services on (01983) 823380.

Who can vote in the MEP elections? 
You must be registered to vote and also satisfy all of the following:
• 18 years of age or over on polling day
• A British citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of the EU who has elected to vote in the United Kingdom
• Resident in the UK or a UK citizen living abroad who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years.
• not be subject to any legal incapacity to vote.

How do I vote? 
• In person 
Your poll card will tell you when voting takes place and where you should go to vote on Thursday 23 May. On that day, when you go to your polling station you will be given a piece of paper with the names of the different parties and candidates for the European Elections on it. You then go to a booth, which will have a pencil in it for your use. You then put a X in the box which reflects your choice and put the paper into a ballot box.

• By post 
If you are already registered as a postal voter then you will receive your vote through the post. If you cannot or do not wish to attend your local polling station, you can still vote by post by filling out the application form available at www.aboutmyvote.co.uk  
You will need to apply by 5pm on Wednesday 8 May to vote by post in the European elections.

If you would like to cancel your postal vote and vote in person instead, please email the council’s electoral services atelectoral.services@iow.gov.uk , stating that you wish to cancel your postal vote and giving your full name and address.

You can also cancel your postal vote by writing, giving your full name and address, to: Electoral Services, Isle of Wight Council, High Street, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD

We must receive your cancellation in writing or via email by 5pm on Wednesday 8 May.

• By proxy 
If you are unable to vote in person or by post, you can choose to have someone you trust cast your vote for you. In addition, the person you wish to appoint as your proxy can only act as proxy if they are 18 and are registered individually themselves.

A person cannot vote as proxy for more than two people at any one election or referendum, unless they are a close relative. In England, Scotland or Wales, you will need to download and complete a form to apply to vote by proxy. There are different forms depending on the reason that you need a proxy vote, at www.aboutmyvote.co.uk  

If you want to vote by proxy in the European elections, you will need to apply by 5pm on Wednesday 15 May.

 By emergency proxy
If, after 5pm on Wednesday 15 May, you find you are unable to attend your polling station in person due to a medical emergency, or due to your occupation, service or employment and you only become aware of that fact AFTER 5pm Wednesday 15 May; then you may be able to appoint an emergency proxy to vote on your behalf.

Please contact the electoral services team by email on electoral.services@iow.gov.uk or in writing to: Electoral Services, Isle of Wight Council, High Street, Newport,Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD or call (01983) 823380.

Emergency proxy votes can be issued up to 5pm on Thursday 23 May.

What is the poll card for?

The card tells you when voting takes place and where you should go to vote on 23 May 2019. We began issuing the poll cards from 25 April and they should arrive on doorsteps by 30 April. If you do not receive a poll card after 1 May it may be that you are not registered to vote – please check this with the electoral services team by calling (01983) 823380.

What happens if I lose my poll card? 

If you lose your poll card, don’t worry – you don’t need to bring it with you to vote. Simply go to the local polling station in your area. If you don’t know where that is, check with the electoral services team on (01983) 823380.

Where can I vote? 
The poll cards will notify voters which polling station they have been allocated, so please check your poll card when it arrives.

Key dates to remember: 
Last date for voter registration – Tuesday 7 May
Last date for receipt of postal applications – 5pm, Wednesday 8 May
Last date for receipt of proxy vote applications – 5pm, Wednesday 15 May
Last date for receipt of emergency proxy applications – 5pm, Thursday 23 May
MEP election voting day – Thursday 23 May.

IW Council Press Release - Funding Awarded to assist Isle of Wight Families


The Isle of Wight Council has been awarded government funding to raise awareness and provide help for families in reducing parental conflict.

The Department for Work and Pensions has awarded £40 000 which will be used to co-ordinate the programme, and to deliver training and events over the next year.
Parental conflict can have a significant impact on children and young people.   It can be caused by a range of complex issues experienced by families, including debt trouble, divorce and mental health issues. The programme will look at new ways to address parental conflict as part of these wider family challenges.
Strengthening families co-ordinator, Kelly Quinn, explained that if children are exposed to this sort of distress over longer periods of time, their emotional and social development can be significantly affected. ‘It may stop children from doing as well at school or even impact their career chances in later life’.
The funding will also support training for social workers, teachers, the police, the voluntary sector and health workers to provide improved help and support, including supporting parents to resolve issues before the escalate and have a negative impact on their children. 

The programme will start on 1st May.

Thursday 25 April 2019

Island Roads Press Release - Boardwalk solution secures future of popular footpath

Boardwalk solution secures future of popular footpath

A popular footpath closed following a major landslip is back in use thanks a new timber boardwalk constructed by Island Roads.
In May this year, a section of riverbank between Island Harbour and Folly Lane, Whippingham collapsed, leading to the closure of the footpath on safety grounds.
In consultation with the Isle of Wight Council’s Rights of Way team, Island Roads designed a new timber boardwalk to span the eroded section of riverbank, meaning the footpath could be reopened for members of the public to enjoy once more.
Because the new structure is supported by deep piles rather than the constantly eroding riverbank, the new boardwalk is designed to withstand future movement and erosion.
Councillor Ian Ward, Cabinet member responsible for the Highways PFI said: “This footpath provides an important link between East Cowes and Newport, for both residents and visitors, so I am delighted that Island Roads have designed a new walkway to keep the route accessible for years to come.”
Mark Dawson, Highway Design Engineer at Island Roads, said: “This section of naturally eroding riverbank presented us with a challenge but we were able to develop a scheme that provides a long term solution, meaning that access will be maintained even if there is further riverbank erosion. We are really pleased that the route is open once more and being enjoyed by members of the public.”


IW Council Press Release - Brown-tail Moth Caterpillar Warning


Sightings of Brown-tail moth caterpillars at Ventnor have been reported.

The council is warning against handling the creatures, whose hairs can break off as barbs, potentially causing skin irritation and breathing difficulties.

“Once again this year, with the annual influx of the brown-tail moth caterpillar, I would remind the public to avoid handling them, as they can cause skin and eye irritation, especially in children,” said Lee Matthews, recreation and public spaces manager at Isle of Wight Council.

“We are working closely with Ventnor Town council and local businesses to manage this year’s influx but if you are unlucky enough to have handled the caterpillars, you may experience a rash together with irritation similar to a severe nettle rash. As hairs can become airborne some people may experience symptoms affecting their eyes and breathing similar to hay fever symptoms.”

Normally this will give a few hours of localised discomfort. Washing the affected area with water and the application of calamine lotion on the skin may ease the itching. The hairs may also worsen symptoms of asthma for some people.

You should seek medical advice from your pharmacist or GP if symptoms do not settle down within a few hours.

The caterpillars become active in the spring. During March, caterpillars can be found in their winter tents. By April the caterpillars begin to emerge en masse from their tents and start to feed.

They gradually move further away from their winter tents during May until they become solitary. After spinning a cocoon and pupating, the adult moths emerge in July/August, ready to mate. Following the females laying eggs near the tip of shrub branches, they spin a tent at the end of the shoots in readiness for winter.


Although the caterpillars prefer hawthorn and blackberry, they will eat leaves from any type of bush.
The creatures are between 7mm and 38mm in length (depending on age), dark brown in colour with a distinctive white line down each side; with the whole body covered in tufts of brown hairs and two distinct orange/red dots are noticeable on the caterpillars back towards the tail.
The insects have spiked and barbed hairs, which can penetrate skin, causing an irritant reaction.

Notes to Editors:

Although the caterpillars prefer hawthorn and blackberry, they will eat leaves from any type of bush.
The creatures are between 7mm and 38mm in length (depending on age), dark brown in colour with a distinctive white line down each side; with the whole body covered in tufts of brown hairs and two distinct orange/red dots are noticeable on the caterpillars back towards the tail.
The insects have spiked and barbed hairs, which can penetrate skin, causing an irritant reaction.

IW Council Press Release - Trading Standards Warning


The council's trading standards team are warning of a potential damp treatment and insulation scam on the Island.

This follows reports received that a trader is phoning residents for damp treatment and insulation, saying their “property has been flagged up as eligible” and that a salesman will then be sent shortly to “assess the property.”

As might be expected, the ‘trader’ finds damp and insulation issues at the property and pressurise the homeowner into signing a contract for a large sum of money.

If anyone has entered into a contract for damp and/or insulation, they can cancel within 14 days by writing to the company. You can telephone but we would strongly advise following the telephone call with a letter confirming the cancellation. The information is on the contract from the company.

If you have contacted and are worried, you can contact the Trading Standards Service on (01983) 823371.

Please be aware that the Council supports the Warm Up Wight Scheme as it meets their Code of Conduct.

More advice and support relating to insulation and keeping heating bills low can be obtained from the Footprint Trust

Do Not respond to calls such as this - calls that are “out of the blue” carry the hallmarks of a scam. Reputable traders would not pressurise customers in this way, or charge such extortionate fees.

If you feel that you may benefit from home insulation or suffer with damp,  make your own enquiries with reputable Island traders. Trading Standards will always recommend contacting a trader on the  Trader Approval Scheme.

Reporting a Scam
• For advice on scams call - Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline: 03454040506
• To report a scam call - Action Fraud: 0300 123 2040
For more information on scams visit www.iwasp.org.uk


Tuesday 9 April 2019

Age UK IW - Home Safe Service


Our Home Safe Service can help you, or someone you care about, to stay safe and comfortable at home.
We can help with home safety adaptations advice and installation, installing grab rails, external rails, building steps, general household repairs and a number of other jobs around the house and garden.
Our reliable and trusted tradespeople have a wealth of experience and we will always do our best to help whatever your job requirements. We don’t charge for call-outs and we offer a very competitive hourly rate, plus you can have any mix of jobs in one visit.

For more information please contact our friendly team for a no-obligation chat on (01983) 525282

Tuesday 2 April 2019

HM Revenue & Customs - SCAM

Please see the scam warning below, can you share with your customers and service users as appropriate.

“As it’s the end of the tax year please be aware that scammers are trying to cash in by pretending to be the HMRC offering us refunds on our tax bills. The emails contain images similar to that below and look very genuine, however it is very important to remember that the HMRC would NEVER contact you in this way. This is a SCAM and they are trying to get your banking details so that they can take money from your account.

If you receive one of these emails either delete it, report it to Action Fraud or forward it to the HMRC for their information”

For advice on scams call - Citizens Advice consumer Helpline: 03454 04 05 06

To report a scam call - Action Fraud: 0300 123 2040

Many thanks for your continued support


Sally Ash | Fair Trading Officer | Planning and Regulatory Services |
Isle of Wight Council | Jubilee Stores| The Quay | Newport | Isle of Wight PO30 2EH
Tel: (01983) 823371 (x4684) |
Check out our approved traders list at https://www.iwight.com/tas/


Working together to take action to help better protect people on the Isle of Wight from scams. Doorstep crime and fraud, and to support victims.

Monday 1 April 2019

Cowes Town Council Press Release - Free Parking Spaces for Patients travelling to the Mainland for Appointments

Northwood House offers 4 free parking spaces for mainland hospital patients Good news for patients travelling to the mainland for hospital appointments.

Northwood House Charitable Trust Co. Ltd. has agreed to donate four parking bays on a three month trial basis for use by people attending appointments at Southampton General Hospital or associated NHS Trusts, subject to proof of appointment. Any parking bay in the car park off Park Road, Cowes can be used, subject to displaying the appropriate parking permit.

Roseleen Cullen, Chair of Northwood House Charitable Trust Co. Ltd. commented "The Trustees of Northwood House are pleased to be able to offer free spaces in the car park for patients travelling to the mainland for treatment. We are happy to be working with Cowes Town Council on this free parking trial for Isle of Wight residents."

Councillor Paul Fuller, Mayor of Cowes Town Council commented “This is a shining example of partnership working between the Town Council and the Trust. The Town Council are enthusiastically supporting this initiative and hopeful that take up will be positively received. Our grateful thanks to Northwood House Trustees.”

 The scheme will be administered by Cowes Town Council and will run from 1 May 2019 until 31 July 2019. NHS Parking Scheme permits must be pre-booked by calling the Town Council’s office on 01983 209022 or visiting during office hours: 9.30am – 12Noon, Monday to Friday.

Permits will only be issued upon receipt of proof of appointment and must collected prior to the date of use from the Town Council’s Office, Northwood House, Ward Avenue, Cowes, PO31 8AZ.

Press release ends.

For Businesses keen to find Practical Environmentally Ways to Save Money

Discover a brand new, free to attend event, which is packed with ideas and opportunities to do just that. 

•Learn about: Food, Waste, Water, Utilities, Renewables, Build, Transport, Education, Digital & Technology
 •Enjoy: A complimentary breakfast (showcasing island produce) with networking
•Get advice: On business growth support from Innovate, Solent LEP, Isle of Wight Council, Natural Enterprise & others
•Hear: From industry-leading guest speakers and experts
•Presenting: Exciting technology that could change your life
•Relax: With complimentary tea and coffee throughout the day
•Meet up: With clients and friends in our Business & Refreshment Zones

When and where is all this happening?
Cecamm. East Cowes on  Thursday April 11th .

 What’s next to do? Register to come at Eventbrite.