Wednesday 21 November 2018

IW Council Press Release - New Help Centre opens in Newport


A brand-new help centre designed to give people easy access to information, advice and guidance services has opened at County Hall, Newport.
The council-run facility has combined with Citizens Advice and Age UK (Isle of Wight) to create a single streamlined hub, Isle Help.
The charity Hearing Loss will also use the centre from February when it starts a monthly clinic.

Around £214,000 has been invested by the council in the project, which is the start of its ambition to offer a 'One Island' integrated service covering health, council, emergency services and the voluntary sectors.

"This centre will be a great place for residents to find out information and receive advice from experts all under one roof, said Councillor Stuart Hutchinson, Cabinet member for resources.

“I’m delighted we have spent this money making the centre accessible and modern and a welcoming place for people to visit. It also really kick-starts our ambition to set up a One Island service in the future.

“The expertise of Age UK and Citizens Advice, in unison with our highly-trained council staff, will be formidable and will help people quickly and professionally.”

Paul Savill, Citizens Advice IW chief executive, added: “Our charity is really pleased to be part of the new advice centre and we are looking forward to providing our service in a bright new space that will be so much better for volunteers, staff and public alike.”

Jo Dare, CEO of Age UK Isle of Wight, added: “We are always listening to the comments and input of older and vulnerable people in our communities, and one of the frustrations felt by many was the absence of joined-up working.

“We have been striving towards a practice which means that individuals need only tell their story once.

“The new Isle Help will provide exactly that; more collaborative working and a more streamlined, personalised service for the client.”

The centre in the council’s ground floor reception area now boasts new seating, a confidential meeting pod, self-service computer, terminals for access to a range of council services, meetings rooms and pre-programmed phones with numbers for government agencies.

Island companies were used throughout the refurbishment including Mountjoy, Wight Vending and Signpost Express.


IW Council Press Release - Full Council meeting to be Live Streamed


Tonight’s (Wednesday’s) Full Council meeting will be the first to be live streamed by the local authority.
An upgrade to the council chamber’s audio and visual equipment has made it possible for the entire meeting to be viewed on the council’s YouTube channel.

Councillor Stuart Hutchinson, Cabinet member for resources, said: “The democratic process can often be difficult for people to engage with.

“The public are and always will be welcome to attend meetings at County Hall but we wanted to make accessing how the council does its business as simple as possible – and these days, that’s done digitally.

“Helping our residents get close to the action is what democracy is all about.”

To view tonight’s and future Full Council meetings, visit the council’s YouTube channel,

A previous ‘test run’ is stored from September’s Full Council meeting.

The meeting starts at 6pm.

IW Council Press Release - Christmas Shopping Safely On-line


With Christmas fast approaching Trading Standards is warning consumers to take added precautions when shopping online.

As huge numbers of bargain-hunters prepare to log on for Black Friday this week and Cyber Monday in the hope of bagging a bargain for a festive gift, the team are highlighting the growing trend for criminals to use social media to target potential victims with apparently attractive deals.

According to the most recent figures the amount spent with UK online retail sites last year was almost £1.4bn. Reports also showed that Cyber Monday actually surpassed Black Friday, with over £3 billion being spent by UK shoppers.

Overall the results revealed the biggest ever day for both online and offline spending.

“It’s important to make sure that we do all we can to stay safe to ensure that we don’t get scammed at what is probably the most expensive time of year for most of us,” said Councillor Tig Outlaw, Cabinet member for public protection.

“It’s also the most lucrative time for fraudsters to take advantage of the public so let’s make sure the criminals are left short changed this year by following the advice from our Trading Standards team.”

Online Shopping Tips

• Conduct research: When using a new website for purchases, read reviews and see if other consumers have had a positive or negative experience with the site.

• When in doubt, throw it out: Links in emails, posts and texts are often how cybercriminals try to steal your information or infect your devices.

• Personal information is like money: value it and protect it: When making a purchase online, be alert to the kinds of information being collected to complete the transaction. Make sure you think it is necessary for the vendor to request that information. Remember, you only need to fill out required fields at checkout.

• Use safe payment options: Credit cards are generally the safest option because they allow buyers to seek a credit from the issuer if the product isn’t delivered or isn’t what was ordered.

• Don’t be disappointed: Read return policies and other website information so you know what to expect if the purchase doesn’t go as planned.

• Protect your ££: When shopping, check to be sure the site is security enabled. Look for web addresses with https:// the s stands for Secure, there should also be a padlock in the address bar.

Basic Safety and Security Tips

• Keep a clean machine: Keep all software on internet-connected devices – including PCs, smartphones and tablets – up to date to reduce risk of infection from malware.

• Make your password a sentence: A strong password is a sentence that is at least 12 characters long. Focus on positive sentences or phrases that you like to think about and are easy to remember (for example, “I love country music.”). On many sites, you can even use spaces.

• Unique account, unique password: Having separate passwords for every account helps to thwart cybercriminals. At a minimum, separate your work and personal accounts and make sure that your critical accounts have the strongest passwords.

For up to date advice on staying safe online visit the Get Safe Online website at
Reporting a Scam 
• For advice on scams call - Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline: 03454 04 05 06

• To report a scam call - Action Fraud: 0300 123 2040

For more information on scams visit  

Saturday 17 November 2018

Wednesday 14 November 2018

IW Council Press Release - Parking Meetings Planned with Business Representatives


Senior councillors will meet with local business representatives to discuss the proposed new parking charges in Newport and Ryde.
Council leader Councillor Dave Stewart and other Cabinet members want the views of the business associations in both towns about the budget plans.
Councillor Wayne Whittle, Cabinet member for regeneration and business development, was among those to raise issues about the parking proposals at last Thursday’s Cabinet meeting.

Councillor Stewart said: “We understand that changes to parking charges are a big issue and that’s why we’re meeting with our business community to discuss the potential impact and alternative ideas.

“We’ve been very clear about having to save £5.5 million next year and we published our proposals very early to give people every chance to comment.

“We want to support our small businesses and town centres so it’s right we listen to them.”

The parking proposals have prompted a petition signed by more than 3,000 residents, which will be debated by Full Council later this month.

Introducing additional parking charges in Newport and Ryde, as well charging for parking on Island seafronts all year round would raise a yearly income of around £149,000 for the council.

The move would also ensure a fairer, more consistent approach to parking across the Island.

Any adjustments to the parking proposals would require making up the funding shortfall elsewhere in the budget.

The council is exploring all potential opportunities, including alternative sources of income, to help balance the books.

The meetings with the business associations will take place later this month.

Monday 12 November 2018

IW Council Press Release - Recycling and Waste Services

Have your say on recycling and waste services

The Isle of Wight Council, in partnership with Amey, is seeking views on recycling and waste services.

The residents recycling and waste online survey is now open and will run until Friday 4 January 2019 and is an opportunity for householders to put forward suggestions for future improvements or ideas on how the Island can recycle more and reduce our waste.

Your feedback can be completed online at the following link:

Paper versions available from County Hall reception area, libraries and council help centres.

“I would urge to public to have their say in the survey as we are always open to hearing ideas on how we can all continue to recycle more and reduce our waste,” said Councillor Michael Murwill.

“We’re already recycling 55 per cent – which was originally our target for 2020 and we’re continuing to tackle issues such as plastic pollution and thanks to Island residents, recycling has now become part of our daily lives.”

The council is responsible for the collection, treatment and disposal of household recyclables and waste on the Island - which is delivered through a contract with Amey.

Once the closing date for the survey has passed, the information will be reviewed and used to identify possible improvements to the existing services.

Hard copies are available at council buildings and libraries.

Unfortunately, no responses received after the closing date can be considered by the council.

Completed hard copies should be returned by Monday 7 January 2019 to:

Waste Management
County Hall
High Street
Isle of Wight
PO30 1UD


IW Council Press Release - Cross Solent travel scheme for some NHS patients


A council funded scheme that gives free cross-Solent travel to NHS patients with specific illnesses is being reviewed and Islanders can give their views on its future.
The Cross Solent Travel Scheme is a discretionary, non-means tested measure providing financial support to NHS patients travelling to the mainland to receive specific treatments for chemotherapy, radiotherapy or renal dialysis.   
The scheme is owned and administered by the Isle of Wight NHS Trust but since 2006, when the NHS ceased its funding, the council has supported residents by picking up the annual cost.  
“No other council in the country provides non-means tested funding to transport NHS patients and so in the light of the savings this council needs to make we must look at whether we can continue to fund it,” Councillor Clare Mosdell, Cabinet member for adult social care and public health. 
“The scheme is currently allocated £60,000 per year. 
“We have no legal duty to fund it and in challenging times, we feel we should look at protecting the frontline services we are legally obliged to fund such as adult social care or mental health services. 
“However, it’s really important to us that we listen to the views of Islanders to inform any decisions about the future funding of this scheme.” 
Where people have low income or are in receipt of specific qualifying benefits, the NHS has a statutory duty to reimburse their travel costs under the Healthcare Travel Cost Scheme (HTCS). This NHS funded scheme remains in place. 
Ferry operators also offer discounts to those who are going to the mainland to receive medical treatment. Links to those schemes are: 
In 2005, the NHS made a decision to withdraw the discretionary scheme that reimbursed people who were not eligible to claim for their travel costs under the HTCS. The restricted nature of the scheme means that many people with other conditions do not receive assistance. 
The consultation will run until 23 December 2018. To take part in the online consultation, please visit:

Background information on the scheme can be found at: 
Hard copies can be requested from Healthwatch on (01983) 608608 or text 07739 436600.

You can also pick a hard copy up at libraries, GP practices, Hospital, Citizens Advice, People Matter IW, and the Riverside Centre, Newport.

Please return your hard copy by 24 December 2018 to:
Healthwatch Isle of Wight
The Riverside Centre
The Quay
PO30 2QR


Thursday 8 November 2018

IW Council Press Release - Festive Tour for Recycling and Waste


A festive reduce, reuse, recycle roadshow will be visiting venues across the Island from Monday 12 November.
The tour will take in venues such as supermarkets, libraries and town centres and is aimed at encouraging recycling and reducing waste over the Christmas period.
“Most of the Island’s residents recycle so the aim of this tour is to encourage those who want to do more but are not sure how to, to think differently about the festive period and reduce, reuse and recycle,” said Councillor Michael Murwill, Cabinet member for waste management.
“The tour will have a whole host of tips and advice to help residents, from choosing non-glittery cards which can be recycled to planning the festive food menu more effectively and using leftovers in a creative way to limit waste.”
The events have been organised to remind people how to recycle what they can and what to do with items such as broken Christmas decorations, glittery wrapping paper and cards, which cannot be recycled.
The shows will also focus on reducing food waste by giving recipe ideas on using up leftover Christmas food such as turkey, vegetables, desserts and cheese, in addition to giving handy tips on how to make food last longer.

Visitors to any of the roadshows can pick up a handy leaflet with all the information inside or can download a poster and recipe card under the 'Bins, recycling and rubbish' tab.
Information will also be put out on the council’s Facebook and Twitter channels.

Paul Southall, Amey account manager for the Island, said: “Many of us generate excess waste over Christmas which often means items that are non-recyclable, such as broken Christmas decorations, polystyrene or foil wrapping paper, can end up in recycling bins as people think they are doing it correctly. The information events will offer help and guidance on getting it right over Christmas and the new year.
“Every company or organisation we have spoken to have been fantastic in their support and we are also working with the ferry companies to specifically speak to commuters and family visitors to the Island who may not know how our recycling service works on the Island.”

The full list of venues, dates and exhibition times can be found below*: 
The Heights Leisure Centre,
12 November
11.30am to 3pm
ASDA, Newport
14 November
10am to 3pm
Tesco Extra, Ryde
20 November
10am to 3pm
Waitrose, East Cowes
21 November
10am to 3pm
Newport Library, Newport
22 November
10am to 3pm
Costa Coffee, Ryde
27 November
10am to 3pm
Co-Op, Freshwater
28 November
10am to 3pm
St James Square, Newport
29 November
10am to 3pm
The Heights Leisure Centre,
4 December
10am to 3pm
The Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival (Three Bishops Pub)
6 December
10am to 3pm
Wightlink Ferry, Fishbourne route
7 December
Mid-morning sailing until mid-afternoon
Red Funnel Ferry, East Cowes route
11 December
Mid-morning sailing until mid-afternoon
Tesco Extra, Ryde
12 December
10am to 3pm
Morrison’s, Newport
13 December
10am to 3pm
Red Funnel Red Jet Terminal, Cowes
18 December
10am to 3pm
West Wight Sports Centre, Freshwater
19 December
10am to 3pm
Wightlink Ryde Pier (concourse area)
20 December
10am to 3pm
*Times and venues subject to change at any time

IW Council Press Release - Affordable Housing Scheme


Councillors are considering plans to take delivery of 24 properties from Pan developer Barratt to kick start a supply of new affordable homes available for Island residents.
The move would see the Newport housing come into Isle of Wight Council control in lieu of the land value of the site, ahead of the development's projected completion in 2028, a Cabinet report has said.
One option in front of councillors is to set up a company to build and manage homes long-term to meet local needs, and also for sale at market value, with the Pan properties the start of that process.
This would involve developing existing council sites to address affordable housing needs as the opportunity arises.
The report, before the council’s Cabinet tonight (Thursday), said deciding to take action would “help the council begin to address the urgent housing needs of the local community”.
Council leader Councillor Dave Stewart said: “The lack of affordable housing on the Island is a big issue and this report looks at a variety of options for the council to really intervene in the market to develop and manage affordable homes.
“Initially we will have to invest the council’s money in each scheme on a case-by-case basis, but now that the Government has removed the borrowing cap for councils that build and manage their own homes, we need to look closely at accessing this extra source of funding to speed up our rate of delivery of new homes.
“The idea of taking those 24 houses at Pan would very much start this process and means we have homes available quickly, if it is agreed by Cabinet. We could then develop this approach or others to ensure we really do see more affordable homes built in the years to come.”
Housing affordability remains an issue on the Island with the average house price around £215,000 and an average salary of £25,000.
More affordable homes would also cut down on the use of temporary accommodation, which is costing the council on average £1.4 million a year.
The report said at least 222 affordable homes are needed each year on the Island up to 2026, with around 65 percent of those needing to be one and two-bedroom properties.

Matt White
Senior communications manager
Isle of Wight Council │ County Hall │ Newport │ Isle of Wight │PO30 1UD
Tel: (01983) 821000 ext: 6250

Tuesday 6 November 2018