Monday 16 October 2017

Hampshire Constabulary "Lights On" Campaign

Hampshire Constabulary "Lights On" Campaign
Alert message sent 25/10/2017 08:32:00
Information sent on behalf of Hampshire Constabulary

 As longer, darker nights approach and the clocks go back, please take note of our suggested top tips for staying safe and deterring burglars from targeting your homes this winter.

1) Don’t make your absence easy for burglars to spot. Put your Lights On to put burglars off.

2) Invest in timer switches; they can be used for lamps, radios & televisions. This makes it look like someone is home.

3) Always check that windows & doors are shut before you go out, and before you go to bed.

4) Have you left anything of value on show inside your house? Move it out of sight from windows.

5) Did you remember to lock your car? Did you leave anything of value on show inside it? Remember to keep your vehicles locked and do not leave any valuables inside.

6) Think about elderly neighbours that may need someone looking out for them.

7) Do trees need to be cut back? If they are overgrown they could be a perfect place for a burglar to hide

Wednesday 4 October 2017


Following the Parish and Town Council elections on 4 May, there are still  two vacancies on Northwood Parish Council. If you feel you have one/two hours a week to spare and want to make a difference locally, please submit an application in writing to the Clerk, Mrs Barbara Herbert of 11 Wyatts Lane, Northwood, PO31 8QB  or contact her on 01983 290086 for more details. The Parish Council would welcome hearing from any persons who are interested in standing as a parish councillor, providing they fulfil the eligibility criteria* set out below. 
* A local councillor must be 18 years of age or over and a British subject or citizen of the Irish republic.  He/she must also be a local government elector of the Parish or a person who has:
i.         During the whole of the 12 months before nomination, occupied land or premises as owner or tenant in the parish or,
ii.         During the same period resided in the parish, or within 4.8 km thereof or,

iii.        During the same period had his/her principal or only place of work in that area.                

Storeroom 2010 newsletter September 2017

Micro Surfacing leaflet