Tuesday 29 August 2017

The Island conversation - The Wight We Want

The Isle of Wight Council is starting a major regeneration programme to help create more jobs, better housing, and an even better quality of life for all residents of the Isle of Wight. In order to help inform the priorities for regeneration across the Island we would be extremely grateful if you could take part in our Island conversation, “The Wight We Want” by completing a short survey by 13th October 2017.


The summary results of this survey will be published and will help confirm the specific needs of communities in different parts of the Island. This will then be reflected in the development of a ‘Regeneration strategy for the Isle of Wight’, to be published in Spring 2018.

As well as this short survey there will be local workshops and focus groups, held across the Island, over the coming months.  These conversations will help us to understand more about what our residents want to see in place for future generations of the Island over the next 10 years and beyond.

A “residents panel” is also being set up to both continue this conversation and to engage our community in future research and consultation. If you would like to be involved please provide your contact details at the end of the questionnaire.